Sandro (@sandromaycry) is an avid narrative designer and mecha fan living out in the forested lands of western Massachusetts in the United States. For the past two years he's been feverishly writing, polishing and playtesting this novel system.
Steel Hearts features the inspiring and evocative works of some truly incredible artists to bring this titanic world to life! They include:
Mechanical Designer: Daniel Dussault (@Lasership84)
Lead Character Artist: Jonathan Castleman (@kurumilover)
Premium Card Layouts: M. (@M_is_scared)
Early Concepts: Armando Sionosa (@ArmandoSionosa)
Ink-Like MEC Art: Bayleigh Underwood (
Pilot Art: Kiron Fan (@subakeye)
Add. Character Art: (@MoldyArtichoke)
Add. MEC Art: Bryan Ong (@bryan139_ong)
Add. Early Concepting: Tuncer Eren (
Early Concepting: Adam Ryoma Tazi (